What if mobile cranes can’t access your equipment? Introducing, Jacking & Skating.


A wide variety of industries seek out heavy loading solutions to move heavy equipment from one place to another. Across Australia, heavy loading solutions like mobile cranes are commonly used by the construction and mining industries. There is an increased dependence on mobile cranes for lifting and handling heavy loads across a wide range of industries. Relocating machinery like mobile cranes has proven to be useful for many businesses.

These types of machinery are very heavy items weighing around 7,000 tons and are powered by 15600 hp engines. They are strictly operated by professionals and are used shrewdly, keeping in mind the safety of workers working within a close range of mobile cranes. While mobile cranes are an essential piece of machinery for various sectors, they are not suitable for every working site involving heavy loads. When moving heavy and bulky items inside closed spaces or buildings, you need hefty loading solutions other than mobile cranes.

Mobile cranes are voluptuous equipment with a boom length of 24 to 42 meters. They occupy a lot of areas within the working site making it difficult to undertake other tasks while cranes are functioning in a close range. One of the major difficulties with these heavy machineries is overhead obstructions. They have an average vertical reach of 40 to 49 meters, which is only suitable for operation in open spaces.

The best alternative is jack and skate when you have to move a heavy load and have limited space for means like cranes and SMTs. While relocating heavy items like printing presses or heavy machinery inside warehouses, the jacking and skating system offers an easy solution over craneage. A jack and skate system is highly accurate at moving oversized loads. ODLS, which specialises in the rail, power, and construction industry, provides world-leading lift and shift systems. Their systems can move heavy-bulky items horizontally and vertically and easily commodate tens of tons.

When it comes to mobile cranes, the safety of workers is another major concern. Meanwhile, jacking and skating offer a safer approach when the need for moving heavy equipment from one position to another arises. Jack and skate are highly considered while installing pieces of heavy equipment inside buildings, and the process is also time-efficient. It can be used in remote places and commodates various items, so there is a sense of convenience while using jacking and skating to move heavy loads. You just lift and slide your item to its final position, making loading and unloading safer for workers.

One of the appealing advantages of using jacking and skating at working sites is it does not halt other tasks. Jack and skate require less area, and its limited vertical reach does not obstruct workers from carrying out different tasks simultaneously and makes it safer to work within a close range of other assets. Jacks used for jacking and skating are customisable and offer various configurations based on the operator’s need. You can use it as a single device or multiple to carry hundreds of tons of loads. Jacks are used to moving loads horizontally and vertically, but it is suitable for limited horizontal relocation. Skates are then used to cover desired lengths.