Claiming Damages from Dog Bites
When pets like dogs hurt someone, there is a possibility of fines and compensation. If you want compensation following a dog bite incident, hiring a Denver dog bite attorney is your best bet.
Since dog bite is listed under personal injury, state laws regarding compensation for personal injuries may impact your claims and any form of compensation that you may be awarded. That is the most vital reason why you need an attorney to file claims. Every year, there are nearly 1 million dog bite incidents in the United States, and the law recognizes that not all of these bite incidents are claim-worthy. Your attorney will represent you to negotiate the proper compensation for your physical, economic, and psychological pains and losses.
Medical Treatment and Expenses
When you get bitten, seeking medical attention is the first thing to do. Dog bite injuries may be severe or mild depending on the attack, but medical attention is always essential. The medical personnel will give you first aid and ensure that the injury isn’t infected. Remember to ask for evidence like pictures, medical bills, receipts, and an official medical report detailing the injury and treatment costs.
Contacting a Denver Dog Bite Attorney
- Immediately you get treated, the following action should be to contact an attorney that can help you claim compensation. In most states, the required time to file claims is within a period following the incident. If you don’t notify the court and begin the legal process during the valid period, your claim may be struck out.
It is your attorney’s job to know the legal procedure, but you have to be prompt in contacting the attorney.
It would also help to have the following:
- Evidence of injury and medical treatment: This may be a picture or video of the injury and scar, receipts, and bills accompanied by a medical report.
- Name and address of the dog’s owner: Your case is hinged on you being able to identify the dog owner. If you don’t know who owns the dog, you cannot claim compensation. In Denver, your Denver Dog Bite Attorney can assist you in tracing the dog owner and can suggest other helpful ways to prosecute your case.
Hiring an attorney means that you can focus on recuperating while your claim case is being determined. Your attorney is sure to get the best compensation possible for you!