Regular Roof Maintenance
With regular roof maintenance, you are on the safe side in the event of damage.
Homeowners should keep their roofs safe. Regular roof maintenance will protect you, your home, and others from damage. And you get the quality and insurance coverage of your roof.
Is your roof impressive? To ensure that it stays that way, you should take precautions – with a maintenance contract with the roofer you trust. Depending on the contract, he checks the roof for damage and leaks once or twice a year and cleans rain gutters through the cleaning and maintenance companies or inspection shafts. In the extreme weather a roof is exposed to, regular roof maintenance pays off in the long term.
Regular Roof Maintenance
The roof is an essential part of the building structure of a house so a roof leak inspection should always be done. An intact roof skin protects the underlying building, furniture, and household effects. But even on a structure like a roof, the ravages of time are gnawing, and wear and tear cannot be avoided. In a house’s life cycle, planned and constructed for decades, minor leaks and damage due to wear and tear are entirely normal. Incoming moisture, however, attacks the building fabric, the insulation, and possibly your household items. The professional should inspect the roof twice a year.
Temperature Fluctuations From +80 To -30 Degrees
Regardless of roof construction and the sealing material, all roof elements are exposed to extreme conditions. There are large temperature fluctuations up there, with surprisingly large differences every day: While in summer, up to 80 degrees are possible during the day, the temperatures fall into the minus range the next time there is a hail storm. In winter, it can quickly reach minus 30 degrees on the roof.
A strain especially for individual sealing elements of your roof that expand and contract again. Over the years, they can become brittle and begin to crack. Thin, film-like sealing elements are significantly affected.
How Often Should I Have A Roof Inspection Done?
Experienced specialist companies recommend roof maintenance once or twice a year, preferably in spring and autumn. The autumn and winter months, in particular, put a strain on the roof. While storms are increasing in the north, heavy snowfall is adding to the burden in the south. Leaves, in particular, tend to clog gutters, downpipes, and drains.